Platform: Mobile
Genre: Platformer
Publisher: Google Store, Apple Play
Developer: Metia Interactive
Notes: FYI, I was paid to play through and review this game. I am a big fan of Metia Interactive. From my review:
"Developed by Maru Nihoniho’s (Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau a Apanui, Ngāi Tahu) studio Metia Interactive, E Oho: The Awakening is a follow-up of sorts to the studio’s previous work, Pūhaorangi. But whereas Pūhaorangi was a digital storybook written by Raimona Inia (Te Arawa), E Oho is a mobile adventure game. The game introduces Pūhaorangi as a god of the Te Arawa confederation, whose first-born son is a demi-god named Ohomairangi. Your quest as Pūhaorangi is to find Ohomairangi, by collecting whetū and advancing through 15 earthly and celestial realms.
In terms of gameplay, E Oho employs a simple side-scrolling approach. This is the first Māori side-scrolling platform game I have ever seen, and I was stoked to jump in and get button-mashing. There is no complicated battle system to learn here – just a directional pad and a jump button, which keeps the interface accessible for all kinds of gamers. As you collect whetū, a bar at the top of the screen tracks your progress, so if you miss one, you can backtrack pretty quickly."
Images: Metia Interactive/The Spinoff